Gościniec 4 Żywiołów - Questy

by Amistad Mobile Guides

Travel & Local


The "Tavern Quests 4 elements" is one of the forms of activerest, which is questing. Quests (expeditions) are exploring thespace and exploring its natural attractions, cultural andhistory through the fun of a treasure hunt.The route of each of the quests leading an unmarked trail, which can behike guided by the information in verse directionscontaining puzzles. When you come to the site or terminationthe associated puzzles, the application displays directions tothe next quest. Each quest leads to the hiding place of the treasure- Digit code, which confirms shift to get the entire route.In the application, you will find four quests - expeditions in fourtowns: Stronie in gm. Stryszów, Mucharz, Lanckorona andKalwaria.The application uses GPS and maps, also works offline.